Free Nintex For
Office 365 Training
Get Started for FREE while learning valuable content to get you on your way to Nintex success!
Don't be fooled by the FREE cost. The following course includes content from our top tier training product for Nintex for Office 365. This course will give you the skills to get started with both Nintex Forms & Workflow for Office 365.
Overview of the Nintex Forms Designer for both Responsive and Classic form designers.
Build your first form including branding and layout.
Introduction to Nintex Form rules including more complex logic including "And" statements.
Setting up Nintex Workflow for Office 365
Overview of the Workflow designer
Dynamic Approvers and Variables
Publishing and Testing Workflows
Using TekDog University
Before you get started
Overview of our course & Instructor (3:55)
Creating a Site Collection (04:50)
Adding the Nintex Apps (02:44)
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Overview of Travel Business Case (02:18)
Creating our Travel List (11:07)
Overview of the Responsive Form Designer (13:12)
Overview of the Classic Form Designer (12:05)
Building our First Nintex Form (03:17)
Branding your form (07:17)
Travel Request Business Case (01:26)
Create Out of Office Calendar (00:58)
Providing Access to the user profile service (01:34)
Nintex Workflow Overview (14:31)
Configuring the Send Mail Workflow Action (09:51)
Configure a Process Task (09:10)
Setting a Condition (02:43)
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100% FREE training, no credit card required. Create a FREE account and start learning NOW!
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